Why Snapchat's New Feature is Creepier Than Cool?


Most of you might already have heard of Snapchat's latest update: SnapMaps; those who haven't, well read on to not only find out what it is but also why it is super creepy and possibly unsafe also. 

SnapMaps allows you to view stories of any location around the world regardless of whether you're friends with a particular person or not. This one is similar to the "Live Stories" feature except it's functional every day for most of the popular locations around the world, i.e the airport or a particular mall. 

This isn't even the main thing. On the main camera screen, try pinching the screen like you're zooming out from a photo. Voila, you have accessed the hidden SnapMap feature. What freaked me out was how the new feature allowed me to check the EXACT location and even activity (sleeping, listening to music, on a plane etc) of most of my friends on my list. While there are settings and you can control who can see your location (PLEASE update this setting RIGHT now), I really don't think this update was necessary or ground-breaking for that matter. While I have a pretty private Snapchat account with less than 50 friends, I know people who have hundreds and many of them are not even acquaintances. 

For one, I am pretty 'narrow-minded' about Snapchat and how it should remain personal rather than being used on a large public sphere; celebrities are something else but I know so many young girls who give out their usernames in light of beauty blogging or just being social without considering the consequences. Digital media harassment is on an all time high with Facebook friendshippers and inappropriate adult content on Twitter being shoved in our faces, why must we add Snapchat to the list?

I don't know how I feel about each one of my Snap friends knowing when I am listening to music or when I am sleeping (yes, you CAN fix this setting). Sitting on another continent, I did enjoy pointing out my best friends' exact locations, but.. 

Snapchat's latest feature can be funny initially (there go all alibis lying boyfriends/girlfriends used-- we know you're not at the hospital with your Mum but having coffee with someone else!) but if you analyse it, it's not only a safety hazard for the vulnerable youth of today but another mindless addiction for stalkers. We, ourselves, are making it easier for our perpetrators to access our private spaces rather than being vigilant about what we put out there. 

That's my opinion - as raw and straightforward as ever, let me know what yours is?

*Images have been taken from Google.

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  1. i really like this feature...its like travelling the world through snapchat :)
    for friend lists: all i can recommend to everyone is keep yourself on ghost mode at all times

    1. Spoken like a stalker ;) kidding. Yes the feature has its perks but for people like me who don't want to be found ;) it could be dangerous!


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