
2010-2020 - what a decade!


Walking away from worries and embracing my blessings like...
Happy New Year! 
(about 3 weeks late, but oh well)

It took me this long because I had so much to say for this particular new year. In fact, I don't think I have still managed to collect all my thoughts but I wanted to pen down whatever I could before I got occupied with the new semester and also before my unreliable memory did a number on me.


Studying Abroad- With Adventures come (Initial) Challenges!


If you haven't read my post, "Studying Abroad and Fulbright - Quick Overview of the Fantastic Experiences (so far)", head there first and read this one as a sort of continuation. 

In this post, I aim to cover a few pointers (and warnings) for those of you who plan to study abroad, particularly in the US as a graduate student; and also, some (light-hearted) myth-busters about the fantasies we usually have about PARDES. 


Studying Abroad and Fulbright - Quick Overview of the Fantastic Experiences (so far)


Anyone who's been following my social media for the past month is probably up to date with what this post is about. In case you don't know - then here's a brief summary: I am currently in the US pursuing an M.Ed in Child Study and Early Education (Yup - FINALLY !!) from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst as a Fulbright Scholar (and again - FINALLY!) and honestly the past few weeks have been insane, to say the least.

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