The Curse of the Friendshippers


I feel like I am going to spark a debate here along the lines of stereotyping and 'live and let live' but I am still going to go ahead because I have had enough, as I am sure have all of you.

Today's topic: Men. More like boys. Particularly 'dem desi boyz

*Disclaimer* I am not flaunting any unnecessary attention that I might have gotten from the opposite sex because well, I haven't gotten any (recently that is, otherwise I, too, have had the honour of breaking the hearts of several dharkan4u types).
Could this be my soulmate?

What compelled me to vent, you ask? Here's how the story goes:

I moved to UAE almost 10 months ago. During this mundane time when I had the chance to reflect on my several dicey life decisions, my patriotism multiplied many folds because simply put, aukaat yaad aa he jati hai paraye mulk ja k. Other than that, I realized there are some pretty darn great things about us that Pakistanis who have been living abroad for prolonged periods of time and foreigners have developed misconceptions about. Case in point: the warmth and hospitality that comes naturally to us (which was portrayed in a reverse manner in the recent Shan Ad, something I am still trying to wrap my head around) as opposed to the sly behaviour that is expected of all Pakistani bhais and behens

Amidst the many anti-Pakistan discourses that I have engaged in recently, where I advocate our nation's qualities incessantly, there is one point where I, too, GIVE UP. And that is none other than the dreaded friendshippers. And believe you me, they exist in ALL shapes and sizes and I seriously don't comprehend how they keep proliferating by the minute. 

Not that this term needs an introduction but for the sake of clarity: 

friendshipper (n): an honourable member of the male gender* who spends his days and nights in active search of unsuspecting victims to fulfill his lifelong wish of a loving partner, i.e. his tharak,  and consequently giving a bad name to the entire race. 

*(speaking of the majority of cases however, there are some exceptionally rare and interesting cases where females have taken on this role as well)

These friendshippers are everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, SMS, Snapchat. They exist under an assortment of guises: some will be bluntly offering their non-existent and shameless booties for bootie calls and others will innocently pretend to have the best, most sincere advice for you after you post a query on a public forum on Facebook. Do not fall for it. Just. Don't. 

I get so embarrassed when I read threads on Facebook groups where desi men (boys) try to woo foreign women (often much older and/or married with kids even) by offering ridiculous advice and later on messaging them innocently and getting exposed. Why can't they see the perpetual shame they put us through? The worst part is, this trend is not limited to the less privileged and aware ones. The elitist, widely educated ones have hopped on to the bandwagon in hopes of harmless fun. 

From one of the UAE groups I posted on...

No wonder no one takes us seriously or expects us to behave like citizens of a progressive nation. Isn't it unfair though, that not only do these friendshippers cause distress to females around the world, they give a bad name to the ingenuous ones?

It hurts me to say this but these lowlives have made it impossible to trust ANY male. I always find myself questioning their intent and pondering about their ulterior motives even if some poor guy will actually ONLY want to know where to buy a silk scarf for his mother. Sigh. 
Maybe I should have helped him.....

I'm looking for a permanent solution to this problem, a revolutionary movement of some sort to eradicate this disgusting trend once and for all. 

Well there are the the honest ones who just break your heart in a totally unexpected way!
p.s. all those who actually found their life partners in this way, wow. Please don't get offended, I am just an overly critical human being.

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  1. OMG Spot on!
    Brilliant! :D

    d3ar boizez ejucate urselvz ...pliss

    1. Haha! Thank you! These boyzes need to staap making our lives stressful!!


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