The Purpose behind the Gallivanting!


Hello and welcome to all!

For those who know me, well, you know me. And those who don't, I am initiating this blog, coincidentally on the auspicious occasion of my birthday (YAY), in synchrony with my Instagram account which goes by the same title, i.e @thewhimsicalgallivanter.

The purpose you ask? Well, I wish to document the little things in life (like every other blogger :P) and the idea is to write my opinions/reviews etc on:

  1. BOOKS
  2. Restaurants/Recipes  
  3. Other entertainment type thingies (attractions, movies etc)
  4. Travelling type reviews (which I hope will be A LOT)
  5.  Miscellaneous rants  (my favourite pastime) 
So follow my blog if you're interested in some light reading! I dedicate this effort to my mom (she's up in the heavens and i already write to her about the serious stuff, which you can access at, my FRIENDS (I miss you guys :C) and my family! I would REALLY be obliged if you would leave your comments or suggestions either in the comments here or DM me on Instagram :D I look forward to this journeyyyyy!! :D 

Till further creativity kicks in, 

Au Revoir! 

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