Tried and Tested De-stress Activities


Anyone who knows me, knows already that I am a VERY stressed and anxious person. It’s just in my nature to worry too much about the future and the past. In doing so, I often forget to pay attention to the present.  I make conscious efforts to not let stress get the best of me, sometimes all in vain.  And I am pretty sure I am that many of you will have a similar condition. Stress isn’t something one can get rid of magically to be honest. I do believe, however, that it can be curtailed to quite an extent. I have seen myself grow out of being a total nervous wreck to a relatively calmer (all emphasis on relatively) person and I thought I’d share my secret.

Following is a list of the many simple activities that I have partaken over time that have ACTUALLY helped. As you scroll down, you’ll notice that many of these are basic but trust me, the most basic could be the most effective!

Remember, your ONLY goal should be inner peace. All else will fall into place automatically. And if it doesn’t, be patient and give it some more time.

The Pretty Conventional Activities Any XYZ Would Recommend

1. Prayer

This is my personal treasure. Faith can take you places, really. There are times when I go astray and irregular but as soon as I bring myself back to my praying routine, I feel a drastic change in my mood.
Image result for prayer islam

2. Meditation and Yoga

For those who don’t find their solace in prayer, you can always try yoga and meditation. Both of these together or individually are known to bring serenity in one’s life. While meditation is more of a personal activity, yoga is something I enjoyed as part of a class.

Image result for meditation and yoga

3. Sleep!
Image result for sleep imageAs entertaining as it is to catch up with far off friends in the middle of the night, tuning out of social media in time for a good night’s sleep can turn out to be VERY relaxing. Many researches have shown that the ideal sleep requirement of an adult is somewhere between 7-9 hours. (Read more here for reference) I urge you to try sleeping maximum by 11 pm one night and waking up at 7 am. You will automatically feel a huge difference in your productivity!

4. Pick a hobby and invest in it!

If you already have a hobby, well and good, otherwise look around for something that spikes your interest and then invest yourself in it. Make out time. DO NOT compromise on your interests. I am sure that scheduling business meetings on the weekend over gardening seems to be more productive to you but it IS NOT. You NEED to focus on yourself. Like I said earlier, your goal is inner peace, and hence, the work stuff can wait a while. Here is a list of hobbies you could look into:
i.      Cooking/Baking (Or Eating… that works best for me!!)
ii.     Gardening
iii.    Listening to Music/Dancing/Singing (do it anywhere, anytime—as long as it makes you happy)
iv.     Photography
v.      Walk/Run/Gym
vi.     Sports: swimming, badminton, football, cricket, table tennis (the options are endless)
vii.    Puzzles/Adult Colouring Books

The Not-So Conventional Activities Recommended by Yours Truly

     1. Reading
Image result for reading takes you far away  quote
      I haven’t included this in the hobbies section because for me reading is much more than that. I may not be a crazy bookworm with my nose deep in books 24/7 but there is NOTHING else that makes me happier than the mere sight/touch of books; bookshops and libraries are my sweet haven. Funnily, I also read a very selective genre of books (you can join my book-journey on my Goodreads profile). Coming back to the point, you can read ANYTHING from articles to magazines to newspapers to books and even comics- guaranteed de-stressing right there!

     2. Binge-Watching Series

      Pick a TV series and just binge watch. If you don’t have time for that, dedicate your weekends to it. Believe me, engrossing yourself in good TV programs  really makes you forget your own worries and makes you more concerned about the dilemmas of your favourite characters (although sometimes, it can really devastate you *all melodrama intended* when the series comes to an end). Find some recommendations here.
     3. Learn a new Language or Skill
Image result for learning quotes dr seuss      This one is on top of my list nowadays. Learning a new language can be super fun as well as practical when travelling and you can even show it off at your work place and impress your boss! (I am brushing up on my French and learning German simultaneously nowadays using this app called Duolingo) Same goes for learning a skill. Always remember that one is never too old for learning; in fact, it is possibly the best gift you can give yourself. Check Coursera for (free) interesting courses and/or download a software like Adobe Photoshop and learn using video tutorials.

     4. Write a Journal

      Pouring your heart out on paper can be awesome therapy. You can write anything and everything down without worrying about judgment. Also makes an interesting memory-keeper to look back at and often laugh about some insane moments.

     5. DIY Activities

      Make a new storage system or a key hanger using materials you have lying around. Decorate your child’s nursery. Paint the porch. Infinite options really. Be ready for some disasters too—that’s where the fun lies! (You can check my Pinterest boards for some inspiration)

Whewwww.. That’s a long list! But before I sign off, last, but by far not the least:


Do anything that would get the adrenaline rushing! Hop on to the bus and visit some new part of town or gather your friends and go for a morning jog that’s more of a photography session (shoutout to my BFFS!) or skip work one day and go to a theme park!

This one is from one of the best days of my life!


As clichéd as this sounds, laugh. Watch a comedy show or talk to someone or do something silly that will make you laugh. Instant stress reliever.  

Let me know if you have tried any of the above! Hope this post helps everyone out there in some way! Au revoir/Thchuss! ;)

*a few pictures for this post have been taken from Google

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